Category: 品茶论坛

"What’s wrong with this ability, buddy?"

Xu tui is a thumbs-up sign "I’m clearing this time is actually a myth integral. I can exchange it from the myth department to the first half of a set of spiritual gene basis points and methods. By then, my spirit will increase greatly, and my ability should be able to increase greatly again. How […]

Lao Xu, a 5-year-old middle-aged man, pushed his glasses and said, "Sister Liu is entertaining me again" and then continued reading the newspaper.

A young man in a shirt came in and knocked on the desk cabinet and asked, "I want to find someone." The policewoman with the shortest seniority in Corey looked up and sat up straight and said, "Who are you looking for?" Other police officers also sat up straight as if they had not chatted […]

Chen Qi is also interested in auditioning for his beginner’s sword array, so he put the first general change-the mirror stops water gently. Every sword wire is like a bowstring being struck by a demon and immediately bounces out, just like these dozens of birds-shaped monty dramas.

Although Chen Qi is relying on the demon dragon’s yellow power, he knows the sea and seven thoughts, but he also has to bear several changes in swordsmanship. Even if the change is poor, there is also a limit to change. It is already complicated that a trick contains dozens of changes, but it is […]

So there was Wei Zhongxian, the nine-year-old

And it is precisely because of this kind of staying out of it, this kind of indifference, this kind of self-centered concept of joy. It makes him have a different view of the current situation and people’s hearts. Zhu Guang found himself not mistaken after testing Zhu Youxiao for more than a month. He revealed […]

Besides, the Guizhen Sect has long been wary of the Yin-Ming Road, and I don’t know how many dharma masters there are.

Therefore, in order to prevent the evil way from deliberately guiding the right path, when Jiang Xiaochai received the news, Qing Chen simply pulled Youlong again So it is not clear that the three great masters can ensure the danger even if they encounter a dharma, not to mention that Jiang Xiaochai and Youlong have […]

The big fellow is burly, and here is a narrow alley. When his hands are displayed, he will be blocked, and there are some sharp knife methods that can’t be used.

And although they can’t fix it, they are good at converging attack and fighting, and they can easily kill people with a dagger in their hands. Third hand? This group of people are habitual criminals in ghost hutong, stealing students all the year round, and fishing is also an instant event. "Hum!" Zhou Yi crooned […]


After a while, on the other side, Li Qinglong looked at the ice and snow pavilion carrying a stretcher There is a man on the stretcher. That man is Li Qinglong’s right-hand man. He is covered in blood and his hand has been broken. "Wang" "Take him in and treat him well." "Ice Pavilion, I […]

Wu Yu’s physique with black flame is different from that of ordinary people, and it is already very fast to break through the realm, while Zhang Yang’s physique is just incomplete, but it breaks through faster than her, which makes Wu Yu have to be surprised!

When fighters break through the realm, if someone disturbs the heaven and earth, it is easy for fighters to be possessed and their tendons are broken. Wu Yu got up and kept retreating. He was afraid that his absorption of fire yuan would disrupt Zhang Yang’s breakthrough rhythm. He was more than 20 meters away […]

The waves felt like a soup pill, and it was very comfortable to be rubbed in the palm of your hand.

It’s as if the Gloeggler sound of the skeleton came from deep underground. Although it’s a mess, it seems that the crooked and broken bones have been magically rearranged, and the tired muscles after two wars have been ironed and smoothed by Ayu’s magical feet. At this moment, Ayu’s feet are irons! Charlie can’t get […]

Zhuo Qiang hurriedly found a big snakeskin bag and put the box of gold coins in it. He threw it into the sea along the bow.

A 618 light patrol boat slowly approached the Long Yun. Zhuo Qiang recognized the boat number as belonging to the second detachment of Nanxi Marine Police of Beihai Frontier Defense Corps. It seems that it was specially aimed at himself. A dozen armed police armed with assault machines arrived at the Long Yun and pointed […]