"What’s wrong with this ability, buddy?"

Xu tui is a thumbs-up sign
"I’m clearing this time is actually a myth integral. I can exchange it from the myth department to the first half of a set of spiritual gene basis points and methods.
By then, my spirit will increase greatly, and my ability should be able to increase greatly again.
How greedy? "Cheng Mo laughed.
"It’s really a little greedy. Your swallowing function is too powerful."
"Wait for me to try to study the reappearance if I can give it to you for the first time." Cheng Mo laughed.
Smell speech xu move back in the heart "by the way, you got this devouring gene ability chain from myth practice methods and materials?
So, can I also get the material from the myth to practice? "
Cheng Mo is shook his head.
"That’s the theory, but there are two kinds of the ability chain of the convertible phase gene in the myth department, one is with pre-requirement and the other is without pre-requirement.
I have a pre-requirement for this devouring ability.
Last year, I injected a gene liberation drug to open the stomach gene base point, which happened to be the pre-gene base point of this ability.
By the way, you should be higher than me in mythology, and you can definitely see more information than me. You can study it and try it. "
Speaking of which, Cheng Mo suddenly sighed.
"Before didn’t into the myth didn’t pay attention to.
Recently, after I saw more information after my grades rose, I discovered the myth, and many research results, even the gene capacity chain, may all be in front of the six joint areas
There are quite a few myths in the research of gene capacity chain that have surpassed our Huaxia University of Gene Evolution, "said Cheng Mo.
"How is that possible?"
"Nothing is impossible, Brother Leg"
Gong Ling pushed the door and pushed in.
I haven’t seen Gong Ling’s appearance for three months, but I’m still super fierce. I pushed the door and pushed it in, and the waves were dazzling.
"This three months base GongLing and I are doing some slightly dangerous clearance and myth integral.
Gong Ling is better than me. She has undergone genetic mutation.
It is estimated that your horse will be able to see my name and Gong Ling’s name in the big one. "Cheng Moxiao laughed.
I haven’t seen Gong Ling in March, but there is a decisive and … murderous look in her moist temperament!
"Brother calf, I’m sure I can go to another place by the end of this year. Remember to team up with me then." Gong Ling sat pouting and looked serious.
"So sure?" Xu back to laugh.
"One of the only two professors of plants in Huaxia University of Gene Evolution has already accepted me as a special student.
She is qualified for recommendation. If I can’t get the recommended places in the school competition list this year, my teacher will also recommend me to go abroad. "
After that, Gong Ling turned to Cheng Mo. "Fat, you have to work hard!"

Don’t ….. Zhuang not far really going to move the tower?

But he thought it was ridiculous that the palace not far from Zhuang was several hundred meters in diameter, which was almost as wide as this tower. At this time, a bright light was released, which looked like a pearl was on the top of the tower.
"My Lord … this … this …" Gun Gun is so entangled that he wants to resist but can’t give birth to courage.
Not far away, Zhuang sat lazily on the trampoline, holding Ba’s head in one hand and staring at the tower in front of him with a slight smile. "Didn’t you say I could take it away if I liked it?"
"I took this tower!"
"The tower … took it … took it?" Gun Gun finally realized that he was wrong and hurriedly shouted "Bao … protect the central tower!" "
This tower is the center of the water boundary.
It seems that since the era of exile, Jiao Ren has lived in the water world and lived in this tower.
Almost every generation of elders in Jiao Ren believe that this tower contains great secrets and power. If we can understand its power, Jiao Ren can have a glorious day, and we will never hide in this corner again. We are cautious!
According to Jiao Ren, the ancestors of Jiao Ren were once servants of a powerful manor, and they appeared with this tower in the era of exile.
It can be said that this tower is their spiritual totem and their hope of rising.
And now someone wants to take this tower?
"I see who dares to move?" Not far from Zhuang, he suddenly sat up straight, his eyes blazing fiercely.
The manor owner looked at it brutally!
And now not far from Zhuang, it is already a "brutal" manor owner’s brutal skills have greatly increased.
Elder Jiao Ren stumbled and collapsed to the ground, but he struggled desperately and shouted, "Jiao Ren Guard … Attack … Attack …"
Only a dozen war dogs gathered from all directions, and the asteroid that was not destroyed exploded next to it, and the spear was turned around and aimed at the manor palace at the top of the tower.
At this moment, the manor palace has no protection, and its body is just a blue stone leaf sap solidified into a real brick.
Although the hardness is very high, it is compared with the earth’s material, so it can’t stand the war, the giant dog and the burst spear attack.
"Protect the manor!" Zhuang shouted "Kill them!"
"Yes!" When the palace gunners poured wildly, blood shot several silver lights in all directions.
"whoosh!" Most of the burst guns were intercepted by the palace fire in the middle, but a few burst guns hit the manor house.
"Boom" burst and the spear hit the corner of the manor clause, and the place that was hit suddenly collapsed and broke.
"Uncle Ling!" Not far from Zhuang, he had a big drink. He suddenly stamped his feet, and his feet were broken. Four fallen dragons had been crushed to the ground, and his figure was half shot.
The so-called best defense is attack
Yunxing Palace is not strong in defense?
Don’t kill all the enemies before they attack. That’s the enemy!
In an instant, the blue light and silver light at the boundary of Shuiyuan flashed at the same time.
"Boom boom!"
In the first world war, the giant dog exploded in the middle, and even those asteroids couldn’t stop Zhuang from attacking nearby.
"Hum" has accumulated a long time of strength, and Yunxing Palace emits dazzling light, which is distorted all around the place where it passes.
The top of the law tower became very small as if it had been twisted and stretched by human hands, and it was sucked into the Yunxing Palace.
"Finished … finished …"
The elder Kun of Jiao Ren was pale and collapsed to the ground.
Chapter 166 You took everything from us
The offensive and defensive sides are changing. It’s not far from Zhuang. Crazy destruction of Jiao Ren’s resistance is more powerful than punching his chest with a small fist.
Jiao Ren elder Kun Kun lay on the ground of the tower and looked at the sky with despair in his eyes.
He finally understood what "all manor owners are ants"
This feeling of killing for life is really desperate.
But even so, the owner didn’t … It’s terrible.
He didn’t know that he was probably the only real "manor owner" in the world before him.
Other manor owners have got a broken manor owner’s heart, and they can’t be upgraded or changed, and they are men who guard a little incomplete bottom line.
The manor not far from Zhuang has limited possibilities and limited powers
He watched the huge tower of Beefa being swallowed up little by little in the manor, and every inch seemed to be devouring his heart.
This is the spiritual pillar of Jiao Ren and the only hope for the rise of Jiao Ren.

I took refuge in the benefits first, but I didn’t get it. I won myself a luxurious funeral and saved the whole family.

Unlike the monks in the Wu family who were all killed.
After the banquet
Zizhen is still sitting on the bed and running mana to expel her from the family. The steaming white smoke wrapped her in
Zhou Yi sitting opposite some stare at her.
Purple is really beautiful
However, her unique temperament often makes people ignore her appearance.
The facial features are exquisite and there is no lack of heroic spirit. The graceful proportion is perfect. A smile is a beautiful picture.
Dust is more obvious when the fog is hazy
"See what?"
Beautiful eyes with purple eyes and soft lips turned out to be a little shy.
Zhou yi during the consciousness side first paused slowly asked
"Can you kill people and increase your training by practicing martial arts?"
"Not bad"
Purple and beautiful eyes flashing.
"You found out?"
"There was speculation before, but it was confirmed today." Zhou Yi frowned.
"Killing and practicing dharma is a magic skill. Although it may make the repair progress fast, it is often unpredictable."
The two people’s breath matches each other’s body changes naturally, but he can’t hide it from him.
After a fight, the fighter is not exhausted. Only Zizhen looks haggard, but in fact, she is full of energy and has a little increase.
This is very abnormal.
"Are you in my heart?" Purple true smiled to say
"Don’t worry, killing the demon body will stimulate the operation and evolution of the body, but it doesn’t directly take away the essence of others by killing."
"And …"
"There is a solution to the complete method, even if there is a problem, it will not have much impact after the fake Dan."
"You are sure" Zhou Yi nodded.

Lao Xu, a 5-year-old middle-aged man, pushed his glasses and said, "Sister Liu is entertaining me again" and then continued reading the newspaper.

A young man in a shirt came in and knocked on the desk cabinet and asked, "I want to find someone."
The policewoman with the shortest seniority in Corey looked up and sat up straight and said, "Who are you looking for?"
Other police officers also sat up straight as if they had not chatted just now. Everyone came, and the leaders or inspectors looked carefully and found that they were not.
It’s a handsome boy!
Everyone can’t laugh and cry, so it’s a joke to watch Sister Liu, the biggest in Corey, wink and say, "Xiaoqiu should go out for a walk early in the afternoon, and young people should expand their social contacts, otherwise it will be difficult to make friends."
Several women are laughing.
The handsome guy said with a red lip and white teeth, "I want to find a Korean exchange student named Jin Douna who is studying in China."
"What’s your name?"
"Shi Tianlin"
"Good name"
Policewoman casually pulled out a form and pointed to the face. "You leave your name, mobile phone here, home address and work unit. If there is a call or landline, we will inform you when we find the information you want."
The women giggled.
"I have a mobile phone." Shi Tianlin wrote the number and asked with a smile, "I’m a little nervous here. Can I find information first?"
Got the mobile phone number. The policewoman is very satisfied.
It seems that it’s time to increase the goodwill. The policewoman decided to smile and nod, but the screen was fucked up.

But a lock of hair was cut off

There is nothing wrong.
The child looks like a bloody clothes man turned pale at this time.
"Who are you?"
"Do you know what you did?"
"You’ve offended Black Wind, Blood Evil Spirit and Bones at the same time!"
The other side growled while repeatedly retreating.
A smile came in the gale.
"Waste is waste. What has happened to it yet?"
"Do you know what happened?"
"I’ll spare your life if you can guess."
In the gale, the alto asks about Wei’s worries.
Wei You’s eyebrows are slightly wrinkled.
Not without guessing.
But the other party said, "spare his life."
This sentence is certainly not nonsense. Look at the’ heavenly sword gate’ and you will know that the other person is still alive.
And’ heavenly sword gate’?
Of course not.
I wonder if adults can deal with this guy.
Think of this who sorrow fuels salute again.
"Black wind, blood evil spirit and white bones should all be destroyed."
"Well, that’s good."
People in the wind seemed to nod their heads.
"This is impossible!"
"Absolutely impossible!"
The dwarf shouted that he seemed to want the sound to tear the lie-
"Black wind, bloody evil spirit, and white bones have 20 fighters, and the strong who master the’ extreme power’ can’t be destroyed like this!"
"What’s worse, I received a message from the master a day ago!"
Looking at the incredible dwarf, there was pity in his eyes
This kind of thing is too easy to forge.
And you are only alive because you need to draw us out.
You too …
Who worried smile.
I used to be the bait, but I didn’t expect the other person to be the bait.
What was that?
Did the bait and bait fight and finally mix together to become bait?
In the gale, people grunted softly, and the wind immediately penetrated the dwarf’s head. After the other party opened their mouths and closed them, they fell to the ground without interest.
"You look a little smart, so guess what she is here?"
"Guess the dialogue …"
"I allow you to live with one more person."
The wind middleman pointed to the grazing sword Ming after continued
Who worry more respectful.
He bowed again before he replied.
"The Heavenly Sword Gate should have been attacked twice. It seems that the first time was the Black Wind, the Blood Evil Evil Hall and the White Bone Hall. In fact, the pavilion had already dealt a heavy blow to the Heavenly Sword Gate to cope with the ensuing black wind, the Blood Evil Hall and the White Bone Hall, and it was very hypocritical to have to choose the broken arm to survive."
"Of course, this is also your order."
"The real situation should be that you let Mu Jian Ming join the black wind, blood evil spirit and white bones three halls to monitor their every move, and then you can make your hands free to clean up the black wind, blood evil spirit and white bones three halls that are not easy to be exposed due to the fight with’ Tianjianmen’."

Even the true ancestor, who once brought great crisis to the world sea, is no match, which makes Lu Chen feel stupid.

Because Liu Chen’s original secret blood true ancestor and mother have already represented the world’s sea power limit, but the ceiling.
I didn’t expect there to be such a fierce man in history. The ancient ancestors of Chaos were powerful, so people should be proud, but he had never seen the strong man in HarmonyOS. He was not in the same era and was sure that the strong man was stronger than himself.
It can be seen that HarmonyOS’ s person’ s staying or receiving the strength is enough to make the younger generations fold
"It sounds like my blood is boiling."
Lu Chen smiled, and he was really excited, because it was both an achievement and a pity to defeat the secret blood true ancestor.
He swallowed up the other side, gained strength, lost a lot of accumulation, but also missed the opportunity to fight alone with such a powerful man.
Now he knows that there is another strong man whose strength is far beyond the secret blood true ancestor waiting for him to challenge. How can he not be excited?
After listening to the words of the ancient ancestors of chaos, Lu Chen is also a white one. This carry-to-one difficulty limit label will die. If it is his former strength to challenge HarmonyOS, I am afraid it is indeed a failure.
Even now, the odds are still not high
Although his fighting skills have also risen, if the chaotic ancient ancestors are not exaggerating, then HarmonyOS, the strange pioneer, must have reached the comprehensive realm, and there is a big gap between himself and the secret blood true ancestors.
After listening to Wang Mu’s words before, he once analyzed that if the 34+plus sign is defined, then the common taboos are 1 magician, celestial leader, light-seeking, etc., and they are 2 arcane and fine dust, which is 3 chaotic ancient ancestors and Tianyang underground cave deficiency is 4 secret blood true ancestors and their mothers are 5.
Lu Chen felt that he was realistic enough to fight the secret blood true ancestor in those days, but he could not die, but it was still difficult to win the other side, and it should be similar to fighting his mother.
Yu Tianyang to Yin several people, although their energy level is still much higher than their own, have many passive blessings and talents of high attack, high defense and terminator. The other party is no longer their opponent.
The HarmonyOS said that the strong Liu Chen conservatively estimated that the other party’s’ plus energy level’ is also the same level as the secret blood true ancestor, and it is unlikely to win if he challenges now.
Actually, I also want to send a message to Liu Chen.
The First World War of Carry-to-Return is already halfway through. Due to the series of problems of return, respect for the virtual pioneers needs to challenge first, and HarmonyOS will eventually rank last.
【 Showing that HarmonyOS’s strong virtual pioneers are extremely strong, please respect the virtual pioneers and treat them with caution, and continue to return to World War I after they are not in a hurry to challenge the stable realm for the time being 】
The meaning of origin is very obvious, and the words have been euphemistic, which means that I can’t beat HarmonyOS, the historical powerhouse, and I have to let myself absorb the secret blood and the legacy of my true ancestors before going further to challenge.
I have a strong ability to leapfrog, but the virtual pioneer is not a vegetarian. The virtual pioneer may also be the strongest in the nine history. Why should I beat others across several energy levels?
Lu Chen also wanted to ask the ancient ancestors of chaos some words, but the other party had disappeared, and the chaos explorers also received a sign that chaos would stop and merge when the explorers returned.
The end is determined by the origin. The last one should have a special meaning. Lu Chen feels that there is not necessarily a stronger opponent than HarmonyOS in the end. It should be a unified order.
The ancient ancestors of chaos didn’t have anything to do with it. HarmonyOS is the most abnormal and outrageous in the history of the nine great dynasties.
"Dad, are you going to go directly to the headstrong? There are only two left. "
After the battle, Ping-an Lu rushed over with a full face of worship and looked at his father. It was really too brave for Lien Chan to win the six Lien Chan victories.
His strong men are also paying attention to Liu Chen and want to know Liu Chen’s decision.
However, to many people’s surprise, Lu Chen actually shook his head. "Don’t hit me first, I’ll go back and absorb my feelings."
This surprised everyone, because Lu Chen, who has always been a headstrong man, would be "unintelligent"
How can a headstrong man understand stability?
Actually, Lu Chen is really eager to move. He has thought about going straight to the past, but he can’t hold the warning of the origin. He also said that he would give himself a reward to get one first.
Lu Chen remembered that the world prize had not been distributed after the adventure of the World War II. It should be said that the settlement menu had not been played for himself.
He is a reckless man, but he also knows that this is a major event in the future. If he fails, it means that the carry will be brought to a standstill in World War I, because HarmonyOS is a dead man, and even if he wins, he can’t continue this unified war.
If HarmonyOS is the last one, it’s no problem to admit defeat by himself, because after the other side takes the lead, it will become his ninth national congress, and HarmonyOS can still complete the problem of reunification. There is still a final battle behind HarmonyOS, and he must win.
Lu Chen, who decides the fate of the heavens, has to be cautious. Besides, he feels that he is disrespectful to the historical powerhouse because he has not yet reached the strongest and best state.
After returning to the origin, Lu Chen immediately received the instructions.
[Dear Virtual Pioneer, your World Award has been settled, please check your award]
Lu Chen glanced at the world, and the comprehensive evaluation was still the same. After all, he has always been an S+and the pioneer’s imprint level has also risen, and finally he came to lv9, which is the highest theoretical imprint level at present.
He is most interested in the reward. The two fragments of the origin destiny stone mean that he can be equipped with+15!
Chapter one thousand nine hundred and twenty-one Fusion
Before counting the origin, Lu Chen gave the stone fragment of destiny of origin three pieces that can be synthesized.
After synthesis, the Origin Destiny Stone is a special prop of origin level, which can strengthen+15 equipment 100%.
Most of Lu Chen’s equipment is+14 or+12, which has improved the sharpness of the front, but it has not ushered in a new wave of qualitative change.
Lu Chen thought about+15 a long time ago, but he was too cold to be a gambling dog because of the pear-painted clothes.
Now that he has a 100% enhanced success prop, it is natural to think twice and wait for the integration to be completed.
After Lu Chen returned to his room, he sat on the sofa and let the origin of the three pieces of destiny stone merge, which is different from making fragments. The speed of fusion is quickly informed and it takes 30 minutes to wait.
While Lu Chen was waiting, he hit the refrigerator, took out the painted pear clothes and reserved food for himself. He had a delicious meal and didn’t look like he had just experienced several wars.
The top ten have now turned over the sky, but Lu Chen’s family is at ease.
The battle between Lu Chen and Chaos lasted for a long time, and the arcane that was defeated by him has already merged with its origin.

"Shicheng Ben Lei Axe Zhou Jia?"

"Exactly" Zhou Jia nodded.
"Sure enough"
Li Guxin is clear.
He naturally heard about the younger generation who are expected to silver in recent years, but he didn’t expect the first breakthrough to come from the outer door Zhou Jia.
"You are talented enough to become silver, and that’s no exception."
Wanted to think, he added
"The benefits of advanced silver should be known?"
"A little heard" Zhou Jiakou
"I was just about to ask"
"These things will be clear to you later." Li Guxin brushed his beard and pulled up a chair and stool to calm down a respiratory tract.
"It is not important for the silver strong to kill people, so they will not be punished. Even if they are punished, they will never damage their lives and repair."
"Crime of murder"
He saw Zhou Jia’s eyes and nodded to continue.
"Every silver is a rare treasure in Hongze domain, and it is the most favorable weapon to resist disaster. Naturally, it cannot be lost."
"Every month, fifty source crystals, three bottles of source medicine and five copies of refined Xuanbing materials …"
Many benefits come together.
"Can protect a city from conscription corvee"
"Don’t rest until you die!"
Zhou Jia finally appeared in his eyes.
Every silver is equivalent to a top power in Hongze domain, so it is possible to recruit corvees at this point.
Silver protects the place from external interference, and the accumulation department can concentrate on developing its strength. It will naturally become a big force after decades.
This is the case with the most popular names in Xuantianmengmen today.
Even if the fall of silver depends on the previous accumulation, it can last for decades if it is not too bad to provoke it.
"Ha ha …"
See Zhou Jia move Li Guxin stroke must chuckle.
"Is there anything else to ask?"
Zhou Jia restrained his distractions and asked his most heartfelt questions.
"It’s true that the younger generation heard that Master Yanfa spent energy deducing the practice of silver realm before his death?"
Li Guxin moved slightly, and he slowly nodded with emotion for a long time.
"It does happen."
Zhou Jia’s eyes lit up
"It’s a pity that the method created by the holy monk Yanfa is called" Three Altars Asking Method ",although it is good, but it is not complete …" Li Guxin shook his head.
"This method is the secret of Xuantianmeng, and even the royal Zhao family has not got it. If you want to learn it, you have to wait for the clan to make it royal."
"How long will it take?"
"Short is three or five days long is half a month!"
Chapter 2 Play ()
martial arts arena
Two people stand opposite each other.
Li Guxin changed into a robe with white hair and flying beard, which is quite a bit of a Taoist spirit.

Chen Qi is also interested in auditioning for his beginner’s sword array, so he put the first general change-the mirror stops water gently. Every sword wire is like a bowstring being struck by a demon and immediately bounces out, just like these dozens of birds-shaped monty dramas.

Although Chen Qi is relying on the demon dragon’s yellow power, he knows the sea and seven thoughts, but he also has to bear several changes in swordsmanship. Even if the change is poor, there is also a limit to change. It is already complicated that a trick contains dozens of changes, but it is extremely complicated when each sword light changes independently by hundreds. Every two swords cooperate with each other, there will be more changes. When the number of swords increases, the changes are almost exhausted.
Chen Qi has been supporting for a moment, so he missed 70 flaws. The more he tried to make up for all kinds of flaws that disrupted the rhythm, the more and more he robbed Peter to pay Paul. The little thief felt that he was in a hurry, but those demon birds were obviously unable to break Chen Qi’s all changes. Many flaws could not be seen. It was because of his tough body and mana that he slammed into the sword array.
Because the attacking method of these bird-shaped demons is too rough, it also gives Chen Qi a lot of opportunities to adjust the sword array to stop these demons one by one. With the attack, more and more bird-shaped monty came, and Chen Qi’s mind was clear anyway. Later, Chen Qi also learned the trick of manipulating the red-violet sword array, and he won’t be busy repairing the flaws of the sword array. Anyway, many flaws of the sword array can’t be seen by these monty. He can tell whether those flaws are necessary or not, but he might as well ignore them.
If someone looks from a distance, they will see many birds and demons flying around and killing them mercilessly. The center of the killing is like a silk thread, and the number of swords is like a fish dragon. These swords are still green, but then they gradually mature.
Chen Qi suddenly felt the first strong wind rushing at him. At this time, the Taoist mind was calm and didn’t want to pinch a method tactic with a backhand. He took a vigorous beast to appear and shocked the attacking demon bird. At the same time, Chen Qi manipulated the red-violet sword array and finally generated the first killing potential. Seven red-violet sword lights went to a ground to detain the head and broke through layers of protection. Almost all of them attacked Chen Qi’s bird-shaped monty and strangled the bones.
Chapter two hundred and seventy-six Double swords
A blow succeeded Chen Qi’s spirit, and a sudden vibration of the red-violet sword array made him have a bit of a composition. He promoted the second change-tight encirclement
There are three bird-shaped demons who have deliberately exposed their flaws and attacked Chen Qi’s sword. They even turned to build three traps and trapped the three bird-shaped demons. The red-violet sword was strangled and died together. They killed four bird-shaped monty in a row, and Chen Qi put all the vitality of the consumed JingXie into one of the red-violet swords. This sword gently vibrated and sounded, and the King Kong curse immediately broke through 45 heavy mouths.
"It’s a pity that, after all, the Vajrayana curse is inferior to the real five-order instrument, but the number of good sacrifices and refining is enough to make up for the lack of sharpness and sharpness of these red-violet swords."
Chen Qi sacrificed this four-headed bird-shaped monster JingXie vitality again and refined it with a slight stroke in the imaginary red-violet sword to detain the other monster. This time, he would not swallow JingXie vitality with this red-violet sword, because the demon dragon’s yellow realm is only at this level, so the power of the spell is limited.
Chen Qi is going to kill the quartet. Suddenly, there are a pair of bright eyes behind him, and the corners of his mouth are smiling. He drinks hundreds of red-violet swords, which are wider in scope and faster than Chen Qi’s sword array. He has come back from a distance and circled hundreds of bird-shaped demons.
This time, Gu Guiling was not very polite to kill in an instant. Every sword silk crossed, there was a bird demon falling. Chen Qi was dumbfounded. I couldn’t believe that there was such a sharp sword technique. Gu Guiling also set a number of killing potentials in his own sword array. He always transported a small number of swords to stop most bird-shaped demons and then used force to kill a small number of them. Every moment, he had to face the enemy with the least number, and he also tried his best to kill the demons.
Hundreds of bird-shaped demons circled by Gu Guiling were killed in half an hour, and one after another, red-violet floated, and Gu Guiling didn’t devour these JingXie vitality, but transferred the red-violet sword array and circled hundreds of bird-shaped demons in.
Chen Qi can’t help but let his own red-violet sword array go out and learn to take care of the turtle spirit. The means is that his swordsmanship has never been introduced before. Although he can barely fuel this large array with Dao Xin Tong, he is as superb as taking care of the turtle spirit.
Several times, I tried to circle a small group of bird-shaped monty, but Chen Qi still learned to show his own red-violet sword array, and specially picked out the fish that escaped through the net. At that time, he also let him kill more than ten monty in a row and condensed out two full 45-fold banned red-violet swords.
The biggest weakness of the yellow demon dragon is that it is not long after its birth. Mana cultivation can’t catch up with the realm. However, the power of King Kong’s curse can be increased through continuous swallowing, and it doesn’t need hard work and hard work. When Chen Qi condenses out the third root, there are 45 heavy King Kong’s curse, and the power of his sword array has also surged several times.
Although the sword silk transformed by King Kong’s curse spirit is far from the peerless swordsmanship, these red-violet swords are not lost to the ordinary fourth-order swordsmanship. These bird-shaped monty’s mana is high and low, but the highest is just a series of refinement. Although the body is tough, it still can’t bear the red-violet sword silk’s sharpness, and it often leads to the first two points.
In atrix, Gu Gui Ling did not forget to give Chen Qiyi a glowing smile. After the demons fought back, Gu Gui Ling’s swordsmanship seems to have increased again. After killing nearly a thousand bird-shaped demons in a row, Gu Gui Ling roared. All the floating net fire red-violet and red-violet swords were swallowed and absorbed by him for several times, and then erupted again. The power of the red-violet sword array has suddenly increased by nearly ten times.
At this time, those bird-shaped monty knew that they had hit the iron plate, and they didn’t know where they were hiding. Suddenly, the leader screamed sharply. These bird-shaped monty flew together and looked at the turtle spirit with a light smile. "Give me the skills to help me break through where I have to go first!"
Gu Guiling’s red-violet sword array suddenly surged and encircled most of the bird-shaped monty. Although Chen Qi didn’t do such a thing, he also encircled dozens of bird-shaped monties. The little thief secretly thought, "I can sacrifice and refine seven forty-five banned red-violet swords this time, which is enough for me to give Brother Gu a red-violet sword array and ponder it carefully before slowly gaining power. It’s not too late for the demon dragon to devour too much JingXie vitality and get out of control again."
Chen Qi’s words are to feed the red-violet sword silk and deliberately divide the demon dragon’s body, but there are still some fears that this demon dragon will suddenly bite itself, although it can cope with it, it is also difficult to control itself.
Chen Qi Jian Guang, for example, although he is a beginner, he has experienced such a dangerous killing as Gu Gui Ling. There are also quite a few people who have entered the country with half a column of incense. Kung Fu has already killed dozens of bird-shaped monty in his own circle and practiced six 45-fold forbidden red-violet swords again.
Chen Qi’s heart is carefree to manipulate the demon dragon and the yellow earth, and the red-violet sword silk is standing by and watching Gu Guiling slaughter those monties.
Gu Guiling’s sword is like a sword with God’s help. It’s like Jiang Hai’s sword moving in a clear wave, the sword changing color in heaven and earth, and the trace of ghosts and gods. All of them demonstrate to Chen Qi that the fencing is extremely impressive. Although it is a short moment, it also feels very beneficial, which makes him give birth to the idea of changing fencing.
Gu Guiling killed most of the monty, and then he was about to kill the remaining demons together with a blow. Suddenly, the world was dark, and Chen Qi also called "Brother Gu, let’s go …" But after a while, Gu Guiling found that the sudden change of heaven and earth was not a foreign virtual.
After all, Gu Guiling is the younger brother of Qingcheng Mountain. After the earthquake, he became white. He was put into a abode of fairies by some powerful avatar. His heart secretly worried, "I don’t know what happened to Brother Chen, but I must get him back and get away together."
Chen Qi is farther away than Gu Gui’s spirit body, so he can see very clearly that some iron monster beasts suddenly appeared in the virtual space. These monsters suddenly combined to form a mass full of poor suction. He swallowed Gu Gui’s spirit first, but when he tried to dodge, he was also taken in by the strange swallowing suction from these monster beasts.
Chen Qi doesn’t know that these monty are called Star Armored Beasts. It is also quite rare in the monty outside the territory. There will be a group of monty anywhere. They also have a natural magical power, which is to embed the star shuttle. The more the number of self-contained star armored beasts in the general living instrument, the higher the monty is cultivated in the ethnic group, and the greater the power of the star shuttle will be, which is comparable to the real magic weapon.
Chen Qi was swallowed alive by this group of stars and armored beasts. He felt that there was rage everywhere, and he couldn’t distinguish between the southeast and northwest. Chen Qi could also release the red-violet sword array and protect himself from the wind and rain. He could even feel that he could easily penetrate more than ten strange monsters when he released the red-violet sword.
Chen Qiyi thought of his own situation, so he was not busy refining these monster beasts into supplies, but slowly transported them to dare King Kong curse to control these demons to know the sea and manipulate my consciousness. I don’t know how long it took Chen Qiyi to suddenly feel that hundreds of monsters shaped like iron plates and with tentacles combined to form a small star shuttle.
Chen Qi’s heart moved forcibly to break through, because he was outside the shuttle composed of tens of thousands of stars and armored beasts, and this rush actually rushed out.
When Chen Qi harnessed hundreds of stars and armored beasts to form a star shuttle and flew for hundreds of miles, he turned his head and looked back and forth, and his heart was shocked beyond words. Chen Qi could see that a monster beast with hundreds of miles long was standing in front of him. Compared with this huge monster beast, he was just a drop in the ocean, such as the bright moon.
This monster beast is made up of tens of thousands of star armored beasts, and this group of star armored beasts makes up the star shuttle to fight against a very strong enemy.
Opposite the star shuttle is the mysterious heavenly palace, which is no smaller than the star shuttle composed of tens of thousands of stars and armored beasts. It is also Fiona Fang. I don’t know how many weights there are in hundreds of miles, but it is also extremely deserted. Looking at the number of palaces, it seems that there are few creatures in it.
Even Chen Qike sensed that there was a double murder in that heavenly palace, which seemed to run through the universe. There was a firm but gentle wave. Chen Qike naturally knew that there was no one in this heavenly palace, but it was obvious that there was one star shuttle composed of tens of thousands of stars and armored beasts.
This personal sword is one thousand times more than Gu Guiling’s spirit of the earth than that moment. Chen Qi almost has such a firm but gentle cross over everything in this world.
That sword is almost irresistible.
Chapter two hundred and seventy-seven It is not to the sad place that a man has tears without flicking.
A moment is like eternity!
What’s more, when the fighting broke out at that moment, Chen Qitian was about to destroy the universe, and the world collapsed immediately. There was no such thing as a magnificent shock wave and a huge shuttle, which caused the collapse and wanton destruction.
Although Chen Qi has just polluted hundreds of stars with the curse of King Kong, it has formed a small star shuttle, which can be manipulated and can fly. Chen Qi has finally escaped a little, but the collapse wave caused by the explosion of double firm but gentle waves and tens of thousands of star armored beasts in that heavenly palace has moved widely, and Chen Qi’s heart can almost float from outside Wan Li in the blink of an eye. Every time when he has escaped from his birth, there will be scattered firm but gentle waves and collapse around him, so Chen Qi has to fight hard to continue to flee.
He is like a small fish in the sea being attacked by stormy waves and hunted by strange fish of all ages. It seems that every moment of life is involuntary. It depends on whether God can give him luck to get him back as much as possible. Every time Chen Qi avoids fatal danger and continues to breathe in the future, there will be a second wave of crisis that will make him exhausted and even more embarrassed than a Sangguquan.
"These big shots are afraid to wave me, this little fish in the pond. They are afraid of me and it’s just the aftermath. It’s so powerful …"
Chen Qi doesn’t know how many times he fled. When he felt that the four-part tactic was too dirty, the black light method, the King Kong curse and the Buddhist mana department were almost exhausted, and even the nursing strength was squeezed. It was impossible to avoid a crisis any more. Suddenly, a familiar sound came behind him with a surprise and cried, "Teacher Chen Qi …"
Then he felt that it was the highest peak of Wuqi Mountain when he opened his eyes again.
"Brother Gu Guiling, did you save me?"
Gu Guiling is even more embarrassed than Chen Qi when he first met him. I don’t know how many times, but his eyes are laughing and his mouth is very happy. Chen Qi can feel that Gu Guiling is wrapped in a great joy. When Chen Qi asks him, Gu Guiling Root has no meaning to answer.
At seven o’clock, Chen showed his shock and shouted, "Brother Gu Guiling, have you condensed the elixir?"

Tao Ze waved his hand, and his arm clicked, making a crunchy sound. Ordinary people passed through seven floors at an incredible angle. He picked up the box very skillfully and lifted his foot and walked into the door.

Slow pace, smiling
It is naturally a different idea to kill a green snake with a sense of Goethe’s slave body
But with the passage of time, the green snake … is Li Yuan, but she hates it now.
It is necessary to intrigue.
Although Ann is, she is tired.
Because my mistress has already arranged everything properly.
Most of the time, just hit the thugs.
Less time?
Notify the police and the danger Committee to wash the floor
It’s like today is special
Li Yuan, carrying two boxes, could feel that his predecessors were following him, but I meant to step on the bluestone pavement and bypass the stone pillar of the street. Li Yuan put a box behind the Qin family’s military face.
Since the Qin big princess lived there, the former Red Little Xia has become the most loyal guard there.
"You have worked hard"
Tao Ze smiled and handed over a box.
Red little knight-errant lead this fuels took the box around two military has jumped out from the side will follow people down to unload the body.
"Come every day."
"Is it too much trouble?"
"And it’s all that cannon fodder."
Red little chivalrous man leading the high muttered.
Then novel way
"notify the danger Committee"
"Come to dinner before you go."
"It’s good that the porridge is cold."
When the Red Little Heroes dispersed, Li Yuan walked out of the courtyard with the remaining boxes.
Put two boxes in the courtyard stone table and Li Yuan shouted.
"mistress Qin dajie has dinner."
"Come! Coming! "
The face became mellow, and Qin Huan ran out and sat directly on the side of the stone table.
Look at the food in the box with expectation.
Tao Ze put the food one by one with a smile on his face.
The whole courtyard belongs to Qin Huan-erh, which makes Tao Ze feel that it is a good seedling to practice martial arts by eating a small body and qi and blood all the time.
It’s the Qin family in the sea!

"Cut the crap!"

Medusa promised Su Wei that no one would know that she had come back from the dead.
Obviously, he still has cards in this awakening country.
There’s nothing to talk about. Medusa’s feet are dexterous and trampling on the soil. The whole person is already in the wings of quarrelling and blessing and rushing to the eternal night sage.
The reincarnation will arrive soon …
When they have limited time, how can they chat with the enemy?
Yun Yun also held a sword and waved several firm but gentle strokes. She didn’t listen to those players saying that villains would die if they talked too much.
Although they are not villains, if they are in the enemy camp, who knows what mysterious means he is hiding?
It is talk.an excellent thing not to give him a chance to speak.
Xiao Yuanshan’s palm strength was eliminated, but he didn’t take it at all. Instead, he roared a true qi again. Although far from quarrelling, he was so blazing and explosive, but he was better than the whole person. People are the true qi and people are the true qi.
"Wow … you are the ultimate card in the world? It’s where the Lord dares to provoke loneliness. "
The figure of the sage king in the eternal night suddenly dissipated.
When he was revealed again, he had avoided three people and appeared outside the door.
He looked forward for a while and then nodded, "It turns out that it’s not only you but also more than 3,000 elite troops … It seems that we lost you. Every time you came before, more than 100 people misled us to form inertia. You sent more than 100 people at most at a time, and I’m afraid those half-awakened people were just bait. Either they were absent by the so-called roots or they were well hidden in the awakening country. Their minds were so deep that they were paved the way after the Second World War."
Three people have come back.
After Yun Yun entered the restricted world, it is already a Samsung emperor to study hard and practice hard and then rise to two levels.
This progress was in the past, and she hardly dared to think about it.
Now, in the face of the enemy who doesn’t know the depth, she left her hand for half of it, which is Yunlan’s secret skill.
Medusa ate a flat in the hands of Wu Ji Jun before, but now she can’t see Wu Ji Jun, but it’s enough to kill his boss. Her heart is angry and she has to make moves and efforts.
Already on the verge of metamorphosis, quarrelling and roaring like a whirlwind swept around, destroying everything around and bearing the brunt of it. In the eyes of the Saint, it seems that the side air flow is even more violent, and the thunder bombing is so powerful that it almost shakes the earth.
This kind of power has made Yun Yun also frightened to hear that the strength of the Queen of the Snake Terran is close to Douzong, but now it seems that she is only a layer of lightweight film to dissipate energy and pierce this film, and the follow-up is Xintiandi.
Now that Su Zhangmen has karma, are you afraid of breaking this little shackles? It seems that her future achievements are limitless.
And Xiao Yuanshan was silent.
Move as fast as thunder and lightning, walk as you like, and move extremely quickly. It contains several back-hand energy dissipation, which makes the sage of Eternal Night stagnate for a moment, and then immediately it can attack and kill like a storm.
Can face a three-person attack
However, the demeanor of the sage always seems to be like a leisurely pace, and the figure is illusory and flickering.
I can’t believe that these three people have avoided all their attacks as if they were things, and they can still give a complete message.
Strong and weak are actually points.
Medusa shouted, "Will you run away if you are a master?"
"challenging the solitary"
Eternal night sage hummed, "But loneliness means you can stand loneliness without flashing?"