The deputy head of the army is a big man, although he doesn’t wear a magic pattern, but his body reveals a kind of powerful coercion.

Surdak can clearly feel the strong breath handed me by Marquis Bakr before him.
There is a deep scar on his face, which is a bit involved in the pouch of his left eye, like being scratched by some kind of claws of Warcraft.
Marquis of Lu Se put his hand on Surdak’s shoulder and patted it before they made a formal introduction.
After a casual chat, he said what he had come for.
Listen to the Marquis of Lu Se talking about the Marquis of Barker, the three-turn blade master, and then say with great certainty.
"As far as I know, at present, there are three advanced three-turn swordsmen in Bena province, but there are more than 20 swordsmen who have reached the peak of two-turn swordsmen, such as the Lu Se Marquis, the quintus swordsmen …"
Then the Marquis Barker looked at Surdak and questioned
"Are you sure you are a three-turn blade master?"
"Yes!" Surdak is very positive about this.
Marquis Bakr stared at Surdak in disbelief and asked, "To tell the truth, I’m a little surprised that you can damage this place intact. You may not know much about the meaning of the title of Three-turn Blade Master. The blade master who assassinated you may be the strong one at the peak of the Second Turn."
"He has mastered swordsmanship, and the knight sword in his hand is like a sword mountain …" Surdak said.
Marquis Bakr interrupted Surdak’s words and asked aggressively, "Are you sure that’s the field?"
"Yes," Surdak admitted again.
Marquis Barker shook his head slightly and then took a look at Marquis Lu Se before explaining
"Even if you want to get out of the field in a Sheft Steinberg, it’s definitely not an easy task. You can get away from this assassination. I can guess that the assassin is just a great swordsman at the peak of his career, so there are many people who agree with his status."
"I’m a little embarrassed to say my cards. I’m sure that’s the three-turn blade master …" Surdak said with great certainty.
Marquis Barker nodded.
"There are only three blade masters in Bena province, but that doesn’t mean that there are three blade masters in the Green Empire. As far as I know, the leader of a mysterious bandit group has been wandering in the western part of the empire, but he chose the opposite of the empire and his wanted order to accumulate a table. You can make a little note when you return to Warsaw."
Marquis of Lu Se and Surdak walked out of the office of Deputy Chief of Army Bakr and left a few people in the military building.
Even the lobby lounge on the first floor has become deserted.
The Marquis of Lu Se loosened his necktie and said to Surdak, "Come on, let’s go home!"
Go to the military gate, the young assistant has prepared the carriage. Marquis Lu Se and Surdak boarded the magic caravan with the Lu Se family emblem and sailed all the way to Marquis House in Lu Se.
In the evening, Benacheng Street is a little more lively than during the day. Obviously, no one wants to go out in the scorching sun.
A group of cavalry in Bena Lord Street are marching out of the city in a long line. They look like a Lord army that has just finished a plane war and is preparing to go home. Although it is exhausted, every soldier’s face is full of joy.
"They came back from Oheim, where the cavalry rebelled. Two weeks ago, it was a complete suppression of the rebels’ conditional surrender. However, the plane lords of Oheim were miserable this time. It is estimated that it will take ten years to recover Oheim’s economy."
Lu Se marquis eyes fell out of the window to see the knights of the ensign to sur tak explained.
"You’ve come back just in time. If the road is delayed for a few days, I’m afraid I will go to Bahrain with the legion. Now Duke Newman has returned to Bena City, and some small-scale wars have not been completely calmed down, so Lu Se legion needs to solve them …" Marquis of Lu Se said to Surdak with a face of ease.
"Bahrain plane?" Surdak has never heard of it. It is estimated that it should be almost the same as the dry cloth plane. It is a small plane with few resources.
Surdak also learned that the Chester swordsmen are still sitting on the Bailin plane, and the quintus swordsmen have entered the plane through the delivery door. The Marquis of Lu Se will lead the main force of the Lu Se Legion through that delivery door in recent days.
It seems that Duke Newman really believes in the Marquis of Lu Se, and the Marquis of Lu Se can only participate in the plane war when Bena Army returns …
Surdak went to the office of Marquis of Lu Se in the army, and his entourage hurried back to Marquis of Lu Se to inform them so that Lady Marianne could prepare dinner when she had enough time.
The magic caravan marched in front of the gate of Marquis House in Lu Se and soon stopped at the steps of the vestibule garden.
Surdak took the lead in jumping out of the carriage this time, and then he saw the steps. Then the servants saw Hathaway and Beatrice behind Lady Marian, and they were accompanied by a maid holding a child with one hand.
Mrs. Mabel and her three daughters are good, and Mrs. Marianne is standing side by side with them, along with Mrs. Sissy.

After reading it for a while, I decided to finish my work first. As soon as I took out my work notes, I said, "Continue to ask a question. Where is the main meeting place of your organization?"

These are small problems. He will practice his hand.
Liu Xinyu said sullenly.
Chen Yi kept asking and kept looking back.
Anyway, he often listens to scrolls and has nearly one.
It is no problem to ask two days and two nights for each 3-minute time zone.
The more leisurely Chen Yi is, the heavier Liu Xinyu’s mood is.
More and more, she feels numb, and the expression and movement of the other party make her feel more and more ashamed.
Several shameful things may happen when the facts are tried all night.
Among them, the physiological reaction becomes more and more difficult to pass.
The special burning feeling caused by the friction between the chest and the thigh side rope almost consumes nearly half of Liu Xinyu’s energy, making it more and more difficult for her to resist and entertain foolish ideas.
At noon the next day, when the sun shone through the garage window, she was finally in a difficult situation
Chen Yi really doesn’t seem to care about the garage exposure.
She recalled that the process of being kidnapped was not only strange, but also did not leave a trace.
Conceited and agile first, Liu Xinyu regretted that if he had been more cautious and left a step back, that would be all.
Chen Yi’s trial paused.
That’s him drinking water. Liu Xinyu can know without opening his eyes.
Liu Xinyu twisted and struggled for two times and gave up. "Don’t ask what you want to know, I’ll tell you."
After I don’t know how many repeated inquiries, Chen Yi’s face didn’t change at all. He grabbed the rope in front of the cast iron table and tightened and relaxed, then said, "Really?"
Liu Xinyu’s whole person is flush.
Chapter one hundred and twenty-four Replace identity
"I’ll tell you everything I want to know." Liu Xinyu seemed to really give up.
One day, unfamiliar skills make professional players lose confidence. Chen Yi doesn’t recognize that he has such a strong talent.
He is drinking energy to reply to the potion and admiring Liu Xinyu’s twisting posture.
Is the cast iron table water, sweat or something?
Chen Yi raises his eyebrows and instantly pours a bottle of energy recovery potion.
The effect of constantly starting the listening scroll seems to add some extra burden. Of course, it is not much in proportion. The reason why he keeps drinking potions is mainly because of thirst.
The tender meat on Liu Xinyu’s chest is showing more and more. However, it may be deliberately hidden in a torn blouse. The looming state of cleavage pink red beans is more attractive.
"Give me saliva and tell you everything you want to know." Liu Xinyu said that it was intermittent, but it was pitiful to help the eyes.
Chen Yiduan put the cup by her mouth.
Liu Xinyu’s teeth were biting and drinking, and a lot of water flowed out. The light-colored clothes on her chest were immediately wet and stuck to her chest, which almost showed everything.
"It’s hard to wipe it for me."

So there was Wei Zhongxian, the nine-year-old

And it is precisely because of this kind of staying out of it, this kind of indifference, this kind of self-centered concept of joy.
It makes him have a different view of the current situation and people’s hearts.
Zhu Guang found himself not mistaken after testing Zhu Youxiao for more than a month.
He revealed his intention to beat about the bush.
He is going to send Zhu Youjian to the throne if he is really wrong and the carpenter emperor is not so careless.
According to the ambition of Emperor Chongzhen, he will certainly be able to make him willing to support his plan.
Nazhi Zhu Youxiao saw through Zhu Guangmu at a glance, but he really didn’t care.
Let go of the chisel and ask, "If I give you the court, will you take care of me?"
Zhu Guangwen one leng saw that he had been staring at himself and seriously said, "Being original is now a Taoist and will be a Taoist."
The move also don’t say what day Li Min is their own practice, "
"I don’t care what day Li Min is practicing." Zhu Youjian waved his hand and said, "If you can get those courtiers to leave me alone."
"Don’t worry!" Zhu Guangyi hand smiling way
Then discuss with him how to build this miniature palace and adjust the refining channel to make it have feng shui instruments.
Zhu Youjian is also enthusiastic about his debate and discussion.
Wei Zhongxian can white his mind and coax his heart, but he doesn’t know carpentry.
This made him feel that although he was loyal, he was a handmaiden and he was not alone.
Can make it impossible to pay.
But this new Daoguang mage and a real person are different.
Not only can he get along with himself in vain, but he is also very comfortable
More importantly, he really knows carpenters, not only giving himself a lot of woodworking skills that he has already lost.
There are many magical theories that make him want to stop.
The two men worked until dark to build a model palace that would take several days to build.
Zhu Youxiao couldn’t help but smile from his heart. He kept Zhu Guang after dinner.
Zhu guang got up and said goodbye to him.
"I will worship the real Buddhist in a few days and hope that the Buddhist can help me." Zhu Youxiao looked at him.
"Being original will be worthy of your trust!" Zhu guang kotow should way then turned away.
"That’s right!" Zhu Youxiao suddenly stopped him. "It’s a good time to have a sperm-nourishing and blood-enriching pill. Buddhist might as well practice more."
"Being original and obeying orders!" Zhu guang turned to answer.
"Congratulations, Long live the grandfather who has got another talent!" Wei Zhongxian looked at Zhu Guangli laughing Yanyan way
"It’s really good!" Zhu Youxiao looked at just build a palace model heart way
"I just don’t know if our Buddhist adult can’t stand that group of poor abuse in the future.
Has become a magic road flyover "Wei Zhongxian while qu his face lightly sighed.
Taoist Shen Ji was originally an alchemist and a chemist in Zhu Youxiao.
It was later influenced by the Donglin Party that insinuated and put in a good word for the Donglin Party of Wei Zhongxian Ophthalmology.
Whether Wei Zhongxian or Zhu Youxiao are dissatisfied with this matter.
Zhu Youxiao alienated him from the beginning, and then Wei Zhongxian secretly killed him.
"Then you can watch him for me. He wants to plead for Li Min, and then focus on Li Min." Zhu Youxiao also didn’t answer, "The people in the Hall of Supreme Harmony are not Li Min. Don’t let him get confused."
"Long live the ye say" Wei Zhongxian immediately devoting to should.
Before he lowered his head and showed a happy expression, he listened to Zhu Youxiao’s way, "But do as he tells you if Buddhist needs anything on weekdays."
Wei Zhongxian a’ previously no one can get long live the ye so believe?
Could it be that this noble-minded real person really has this heart? ’
However, he replied in a low voice, "handmaiden, obey the order!"
"Well, I’m tired, so you can go back."
Zhu Youxiao waved back Wei Zhongxian and looked straight at the palace model in front of him.
Suddenly his left hand pointed like a knife and cut the palm of his right hand.
Drops of blood fall into the model and disappear.
Only when he was pale did he falter, and the blood took out a bottle from his arms.
Pour out a few pills of Dan medicine, suddenly pale, a little rosy on your cheeks, shaking your body and stabilizing.
Zhu Youxiao waved his hand and was soaked in blood. The palace model changed into a thumb-sized yellow carved dragon square and flew into his sleeve.

Xu retreated slightly. "Can you feel it?"

"I can’t feel when I lose meat? You smell like two grandsons of mine, one of which was made in batches in early years …
Huh? "
Suddenly ling ding tone became nervous "this is … do you have a tricolor diamond moment?
Or touched a trichromatic rhombus? "
Xu retreated in astonishment, but his spirit and expression did not fluctuate, which was regarded as frightening progress from the principal Cai Shaochu.
"Can you … tell me?"
"indeed!" Make a retreat without denying it
"Is it still in your hand or have you touched it?" Ling ding asked
Make a retreat without saying anything.
"Can you answer me? This is very important!"
"How important is it?" Xu tui doubts
"If you hold this tricolor diamond moment now, I may let him bring you some great help.
Our life at the beginning of Ling Moment is very comfortable and has a strong auxiliary ability, "Ling Ding said.
"Work, life or fighting can help you. It’s definitely worth it." I was afraid that Xu would not agree with Ling Ding and added again.
"I do, but I’ve been telepathic. I’m a dead thing. There’s nothing!" Xu tui said
"Impossible tricolor rhombic moment in my family is more noble than I can’t die!
Even if you are swept by the strong spirit of the Terran Bank of China, you will not die and sleep, "Ling Ding said.
Xu tui’s head was running at high speed and suddenly asked, "How to wake it up?"
"If you bring it to me, I can wake it up in a special way, and then you bring you a lot of convenience," Ling Ding said.
After a few breaths of silence, Xu retreated abruptly and asked, "What good can you get from doing this?"
"Can you understand an elder’s love for his grandchildren?"
Make an instant retreat, don’t talk nonsense and turn around and go.
Ling Ding was in a hurry and cried, "I’m telling the truth! I can really wake it up and give you great help.
Especially in the interstellar space, we can help you build a fixed communication network in a certain range!
Our quantity technology is the most developed … "
Ling Ding’s tone suddenly disappeared, but Xu retreated directly out of the door of the test hall, and the communication between them was interrupted.
I thought for a moment and then turned around and went to Cai Shaochu’s private house.
I would rather believe in an alien life than believe in the star-rated strong in Huaxia District. This stupid thing will not happen in Xu Retirement.
Cai Shaochu must be told about this retreat.
It is up to him to judge whether there is any danger or not to dispose of this tripod.
Cai Shaochu, the president of the University of Extraterrestrial Genetic Evolution, is still very idle to be a strong star.
But Xu tui was surprised by Cai Shaochu’s mansion outside the country.
A six-story single-family villa
But the card hanging at the door made Xu retreat dazed and dazed by the Institute of Galaxy Spirit.
The first five floors are the institute. After Xu retired and showed his identity, he also met many researchers.
The sixth floor is Cai Shaochu’s private residence.
I was informed that Cai Shaochu was on the top floor of the big terrace, and after Xu retired and bowed slightly, I motioned for Xu to sit down and brought Xu a cup of tea.
"Come to me again so soon. There must be something to say."
Xu back also don’t hide will just LingDing communication department said to Cai Shaochu.
However, Cai Shaochu was not surprised, but looked at Xu Retreat and said, "It seems that your radiation affects the practice of telepathy, and the level of telepathy is very high. Most practitioners of gene transmutation are not as accomplished as you."
"Principal, I said that the Ling Ding thing will be bad for our Blue Star and will it harm our Huaxia District?"
Cai Shaochu smiled and shook his head with a look of indifference. "Don’t make a fuss. This fellow said this to everyone who can talk to him."
It is these years that there are fewer and fewer strong people going to him.
Speak much the same. "
Xu tui was silent for a while and suddenly said, "but I really have a tricolor rhomboid as it says!" "

Chu Jiangwang was silent for one.

That’s true
Every death in hell will lose a ray of true spirit, and if you lose it more often, you will be completely stunned.
Seeing Chu Jiangwang’s silence, Joan added, "The hell needs to make compensation!"
Chu Jiangwang suddenly looked up and folded her eyes. It turned out that this woman was playing this idea, which is absolutely impossible for hell.
I still remember the humiliation in the limited history of hell, but the first time I did it doesn’t mean I would do it again.
It was Chu Jiangwang who just wanted to refuse directly, but no horse refused when he thought that it was a matter of self-esteem today.
It’s a ball. Just kick it to a cloudy day.
He does what he does on cloudy days.
"All kings have reported cloudy days. If there is a cloudy day, please ask the temple to wait quietly."
Joan also wants to fight for a Chu Jiangwang, but it is a rapid exhibition of great spirit that has enveloped the thirty thousand army of hell.
Now we’re waiting for the ghost guard to come over on a cloudy day
In addition to the well-known army of the underworld and many external forces, such as the ghost king, the ghost emperor, the judge and so on, there are two forces that the outside world is not familiar with.
One is the ghost guardian, the other is the yellow guardian.
The Ghost Guard is a special force directly belonging to cloudy days, and it is also the most powerful force in the underworld. Every member is a nine-guard star, not to mention that they have been tempered in the Styx for more than 500 years, and all of them have condensed into the ghost body.
Not the flesh is better than the flesh!
Strength-strength ratio
A ghost guard, a ghost king, and a single ghost guard won
The production conditions of Huang Quanwei are even more special and harsh. Even after thousands of years of accumulation, Huang Quanwei still has no more than 100, and the strength of every Huang Quanwei can be comparable to that of the original Five-Party Ghost Emperor.
At that time, the whole battlefield fell into a strange silence, and the extreme chaos before it formed a strange contrast
As time goes by, everyone stays quiet.
Ten minutes later, no one moved, including Chu Jiangwang.
But Xu back my heart suddenly raised a little uneasy.
This is not quite right.
From the point of view of a commander-in-chief, the first thing to do is to try to narrow down the scope and identify them one by one.
But what is Chu Jiangwang doing without doing anything now?
You know, the longer it takes to find and hide the enemy, the more it will be given to the enemy, and the more difficult it will be to find the enemy.
Nothing. What the hell is this?
"Chu Jiangwang this is what to do what for so long to do nothing? Is there such a precedent before the underworld? " Xu tui directly gave Judge Liu a conscious sound.
"Be careful of being discovered"
"Why don’t we just stay close together and communicate like this? They won’t find out."
Xu retired as the ghost guard of Judge Liu’s cronies, and he was beside Judge Liu, the ghost general.
"It’s strange that Chu Jiangwang does nothing. There may be such a precedent in front of the government, but such things are confidential without exception, and I will never let a little flag-waving judge know," Judge Liu said.
If you say this answer, you don’t say it.
"That you hell have any special screening rape or enemy practice? You should know these things, right? Is that the most you judges do? " Xu asked back.
"Special screening for traitors or enemy practices?" Judge Liu frowned and thought, "This seems to be really not."
"Then how do you usually identify traitors or enemies or whether those evil words are true or false?" Xu asked back.
"This is very simple.
Just look at the real spirit
Yu Zhen’s evil spirits are hidden by our judges’ eyes.
All evil spirits are in a state of true spirit after entering the underworld.
Therefore, hell doesn’t need to identify rape or the enemy’s secret method to kill him once in the reincarnation department to arrest him for everything … "
Half way through, Judge Liu suddenly stopped to live. If he hadn’t been an old ghost for thousands of years, he would have almost made a chill on the spot.
This is because Judge Liu thought of a possibility.
I really want to look at this kind of thing with a gesture of hell.

Old Kink took a deep breath.

Young people’s life experience tells old Kink that this passage is not complicated.
Old Kink, determined, collected the money, picked up the cat and walked inside.
About seven minutes.
Old Kink’s husband appeared here with a team of patrolmen.
Seeing this passage for an instant, the old Jin Ke’s husband confirmed this.
The old man squints and has a firm and direct report.
A moment ago, fewer people came outside.
Then continue to report
Because the lower the status, the more people can feel what this vent is.
One layer after another
Eventually, a member of Prince George’s secret forces belonging to Dammagmodeus appeared, followed by Ye Houwan, Demode Usgeorge, the’ hyena’.
Prince Schieder, who inherited Gerald’s legacy, was able to barely draw with Damag in the secret battle because of this "hyena" and "vulture" force.
Therefore, Schieder gave this secret army less benefit.
The two secret forces belonging to the same camp were at daggers drawn as soon as they met.
Just like before the two princes at the moment
With the death of Ye Houwan,
It was not long before the two princes took the initiative to attack Prince Schieder and tore the delicate balance. Although the large-scale conflict broke out between the two sides was hidden, it gradually spread.
Something that should be treat rationally.
Also because of this smoke, it became calm and rational.
For example, at this moment—
"This is what we found first!"
"It should be us!"
Damag’s secret forces said this
The’ hyena’ troops smiled a little and went straight to the scene.
Damag’ s "spy" line is the same as the secret forces.
The’ hyenas’ troops that Gerard gave to Prince Schieder were better at fighting.
Is to think that you are good at touching others.
This is what hyenas have long known.
It’s natural for hyenas to think about’ kill each other first and get this secret’. What’s less? What kind of wind and waves can a dead person turn up?
To make matters worse, they have fought once in recent months.
This’ hyena’ dagger pierced the chest of members of the secret forces.
Is this member of the secret service trying to fight back?
A hidden’ vulture’ bound his action.
His eyes are full of anger.
After his death, the member of the secret army threw a lighted explosive back into the ventilation hole.
He thinks very complicated.
They have to go to the’ hyena’ and never get it.
The explosive slipped quickly.
Through the ventilation hole
But before-
The huge explosion echoed.
Slight ground vibration
Everyone heard the echo.
The reverberation told everyone a tiny foot.
Prince Damag of Schieder came here almost when the explosion echoed.
The two men looked at each other at the moment and looked at the ground in succession.
What could it be?
Two people guess.
The army then ended the blockade around.
And this action also instantly attracted the attention of Bode.
Either locally or recently, newcomers have speculated about what happened.
"Are you going to see it?"
Holding a bucket of beer, Simic looked at her friend Margaret Ye Houwan.
The’ secret keeper’ 22 nd team is also the oldest captain, shaking his head.
He held his head high and leafed through a.
Simic leaned in and took a look at the dense words, which immediately made the captain of the 21 ST team choose to give up his armchair, drank a mouthful of wine and twisted his ass to make himself sit more comfortable. Before that, he suddenly asked, "Margery, do you think that Prince Schieder will’ contract’ to ask us to participate in the war?"
"very slow"

At present, the scene is really unreal, and suddenly it becomes light and lively. Younger seems to have turned into Yunziluo. Isn’t Yunziluo just as beautiful as spring flowers in front of Younger years ago?

"In those days, Violet and I had this tea vine, and now I’m back. The tea vine collapsed and no one was seen! Violet, violet, what about you? You? "
Meng Yuanchao was thinking like a flood, and suddenly he heard a sound of gold and iron, which interrupted his train of thought. When he looked up, he saw Lu Simei trapped in the four tigers in southern Yunnan again.
Jiao Lei, the eldest of the four tigers in southern Yunnan, is a martial arts expert. When he felt bad, he immediately shouted, "Don’t run around with this smelly girl!" Jiao, Jiao Feng and Jiao Yun Quran provinces cried and followed the eldest brother to stop, each occupying a good position. In this way, although they gave up the pursuit of Lv Simei, they became an encirclement. If Lv Simei wants to break through, it will not be as easy as just now.
Lv Simei laughed. "Fool! Fool! Do you still want to surround me? But it’s my turn to beat the mad dog! " It turned out that Jiao Boss’s tactics were changed correctly, but it was already a step late. Others were better. His three younger brothers followed Lv Simei around and turned dizzy into a spent force.
Lv Simei’s disadvantage is that her skill is a little poor. Now that the four tigers in southern Yunnan have become a spent force, where will she be afraid of them?
Lv Simei turned around and cried with a smile, rolled up a piece of silver long knives and short knives like a rainbow, and showed a group of tricks to kill the four tigers in southern Yunnan!
See Lv Simei figure in all directions. Two people are long and one is short. The Lancet refers to the guide of playing east and west, circling and flying north, playing faster and faster. Later, I saw that the knife was gone, and two white lights were rolling around like mercury pouring down flowers and rain! Meng Yuanchao couldn’t help but applaud "Younger’s good knife method!"
Lv Simei giggled. "Brother Meng, I said you don’t have to intervene. Look, this is not my boasting!" I couldn’t laugh enough. I heard a scream with a stroke of the knife. The old three-jiao wind in the four tigers in southern Yunnan cut off the three-jiao of her left hand and five fingers. I was busy calling the soft whip. Lv Simei stepped on the tip of the whip and shouted, "Give up!" The long Dao sticks to the soft whip to cut Rao, which is the focus. Immediately withdraw the whip, shrink your hand and dodge quickly. The right arm also cuts the blade red-handed and draws a wound more than five inches long.
Lv Simei’s exhibition of the cutting technique is really agile, like a dragon flying like a tiger, and then he turned around and just met the old four Jiao Yun’s judge pen. Lv Simei sneered, "Come and be indecent, and let you see my constructio n Kung Fu!" The short knife with the handle reversed just hit the soft hemp hole in Jiao Yun’s flank. Jiao Yun shook it like a piece of wood for two times and fell down.
Jiao Lei grabbed Jiao Yun by the waist with a long hand and shouted, "Bitch girl, I will fight for you!" He said he wanted to fight for the soles of his feet, but he ran away like oil. He was already injured and anxious, and of course he ran away with their eldest brother.
Lv Simei waved a knife and chased after him. "Where are you going?" Meng Yuanchao laughed and said, "Let him go."
Lv Simei said, "If a mad dog doesn’t hit him, he will bite again."
Jiao Lei’s flying skill is not enough for Lv Simei. Now she is carrying a person with her arms. Of course, she can’t run, but she just ran over the rockery where Yunziluo was hiding and gave it to Lv Simei.
Lu Simei was about to brandish a knife when she heard a voice saying, "Little girl, don’t show off!"
When people came to see a rockery opposite, two people suddenly jumped. One of them rushed at Lv Simei and the other went to meet Jiao Lei to help him solve Jiao Yun’s acupoint.
The two men jumped into the garden and crossed the rockery. Meng Yuanchao was surprised when he saw their skill.
Pouncing on Lv Simei, the man’s face was yellow and thin, and the moonlight was like a zombie. Lv Simei cut it with a knife and listened to the "zither". The long knife actually gave him a finger to play.
Meng Yuanchao quickly shouted, "Sister, back off!" Lv Simei, a "thin-chested and clever cloud-turning", fell out ten feet away and Meng Yuanchao greeted him and shouted, "Who’s coming?"
The two weirdos each slowly raised a palm and said coldly, "Meng Xia, you are not a famous person in the Jianghu, so you must know that we are evil, right?"
Meng Yuanchao looked intently at the fact that he was practicing the "night eye" kung fu, and the faint moonlight was also the score. He saw that the palms of these two weirdos were red if painted and black as ink.
Knowing that the newcomer is a little pale and double evil spirit, Rao is Meng Yuanchao’s high skill and daring, and he can’t help secretly being surprised.
It turns out that "Dian Cang Shuang Sha" is the two most powerful figures of Dian Cang School in Yunnan. One is called Bu Tiandiao, and the other is called Duan Qiushi and the four tigers in southern Yunnan. On the contrary, the four tigers in southern Yunnan are the same in appearance, but the two brothers Bu and Duan are completely different in appearance.
Bu Tiandiao is an abandoned baby picked up by his master Diancang Mountain. It is said that it was born by a savage mating with a female ape in the mountain. I don’t know if it is true or not, but his appearance is really three points like a monkey with a sharp mouth and a thin face. At first glance, it looks like a sick man who just got up from his sickbed and suddenly attacked Lv Simei. This is the man.
Duan Qiushi was the first famous family in Dali. Duan’s ancestors used to be the king of Dali in the Song Dynasty. Although Dali has long been extinct, Duan’s family has always been the largest landlord in western Yunnan for hundreds of years. Duan Qiushi is as graceful as a jade. Who will not say that he is a good man in troubled times when he meets him? But somehow, he just cynically fled into the mountains to worship Diancang people, and later became a formidable devil in Wulin. It is said that he came to another name because of cynicism, so he abandoned his original name and changed it to his present name. In the past ten years, he has made a big name in the Jianghu. Everyone knows that Diancang Sect has a Duan Qiushi, whose original name is rarely known.
Bu Tiandiao and Duan Qiushi, the two disciples, have different looks and origins, but they have one thing in common, that is, they are both ruthless and both practice poisonous palm kung fu. The Dian Cang Sect is between good and evil sects. These two disciples are particularly eccentric, but they love and hate by themselves.
Meng Yuanchao’s master, Lv Shoukun, touched these two men one year when he was collecting herbs in Cangshan. At that time, their poisonous palms were not yet completed, and they fought several times to scare Lv Shoukun away, but Lv Shoukun was also seriously ill when he came back with Duan Qiushi’s palm.
According to Lv Shoukun, if Bu Tiandiao practiced his name "Black Sand Palm" to perfection, there would be a monument to crack the stone with his palm alone. It is said that Bu Tiandiao practiced his name "Red Sand Palm" even worse than his senior brother’s "Black Sand Palm". Bu Tiandiao was a period of fierce external skill, and Lu Shoukun was defeated by Duan Qiushi because he slightly underestimated his enemy.
Meng Yuanchao was secretly surprised when he remembered the master’s words. He thought to himself, "Dian Cang’s double evil hands have been practiced, and I’m afraid I can’t cope with it. So I can’t let Younger take the risk."
Mind is not Lv Simei is a sneer and said, "Who is my way? It turned out to be my dad’s two defeated soldiers. "
Bu Tiandiao sneered and said, "It’s a pity that your father died too early!" That is to say, Lu Simei is not worthy to be their opponent. Lu Simei just ate a small loss from Bu Tiandiao and said angrily, "How dare you underestimate me!" "
Meng Yuanchao hurriedly said, "Younger, you have won a game, and this game should be given to me." Then he made a customary meeting ceremony in Wulin, caressing the knife and saying, "My family teacher died unfortunately, but there are still me. Two people want to report to the teacher and Qiu Xiaoke is unwilling to pick it up for him."
Duan Qiushi laughed. "Meng Daxia is welcome. Meng Daxia has already got the mantle of a teacher. Who doesn’t know? Who doesn’t know? To tell you the truth, we wouldn’t have come if we hadn’t known you were here! "
Meng Yuanchao said, "Well, then please give me your advice!"
Lv Simei cried, "It’s not fair to fight one of the two! Brother, I-"
Meng Yuanchao busy way "Younger this game I can’t let you in".
BuTianDiao nu way "how about you? If you are not afraid of death, then come! "
Lv Simei brushed out her sword and said, "Brother, you heard that this is a challenge to me!"
Meng Yuanchao laughed. "Younger, you have already won the four tigers in southern Yunnan. I didn’t argue with you just now. Now I am dealing with two people. Why do you argue with me? By the way, go to you AE’s house and see if he has come back. "


A serious meeting is being called in the conference room of a police station in Jia Hu.
The big screen at the back shows "Emergency Meeting for Dispelling Illness Wine"
A group of policemen with straight waistlines were sitting on both sides with serious faces.
In the center of the conference table, there is a box filled with disease-relieving wine, and every bottle of disease-relieving wine is wrapped in cushioning material, so be careful.
"This is all the 625 bottles of Zhuang Zi’s uncle’s disease-relieving wine," said Director Jia of Niu Shan Town seriously.
"Are you sure that Uncle Lao Zhuang has given us permission to make these exhibits?"
"Uncle Zhuang Zi wrote us a grant without saying anything." Director Jia took out a grant and gave it to a bureau in Jia Hu.
"In the afternoon, let’s go to thank an uncle Lao Zhuang. Now let’s discuss it like distributing these disease-relieving wines. Before the meeting, I will say that these disease-relieving wines may violate some regulations. If there is any problem, you will all be responsible. If you don’t want to take this responsibility, please leave."
Everyone sat there motionless.
"At present, there are a total of 15 registered policemen in the station, each of whom is guaranteed a bottle less …"
"One bottle is too little and two bottles are missing. Who is not sick at home?"
"If two bottles are too many, it is better to leave 50 more bottles and distribute them according to needs."
"How to allocate on demand? What is need? By level or by contribution? "
The meeting was still going on, and suddenly something came up.
"The director is the bureau Chen next door. He heard that we have a few bottles of wine to ask for …"
"How many bottles?"
"He said two hundred bottles …"
"Let him go!"
After saying his word, a few people’s mobile phones kept ringing one after another, and there was nothing else to talk about but asking for medicinal liquor.
"Director of the district government there …"
"Director high Lord …"
"Director Chen …"
Soon, even the director’s words rang one after another, and all kinds of demands came to the top of his head. The director’s face changed and eventually he sank into the water.
When the words rang, he never answered again.
He took a deep breath and said, "It’s just the flu. It’s over. We donate all the wine to medical institutions so that they can take it to those who need it most!"
"I’m sorry, there are too many people who need medicinal liquor now." The director got up and apologized to everyone. "I apologize to all my comrades. I’m sorry."
Then the director looked at the medicinal liquor on the table.
Strictly speaking, these medicinal wines are still illegal, right? But which is more important, life or rules?
What they protect the world knows better which is more important.
Half an hour later, an armed escort car came out of a police station, and two police cars sounded sirens before and after, and the escort went straight to the virtual city like escorting some strategic materials.
This most precious medicinal liquor should be given to those who need it most, the elderly and children.
There will never be a lack of sacrifice and greatness in this world, but greed still goes hand in hand
There was a fierce argument in Takada’s office, and even the door could not be separated.
Sherhan, a Rambo pharmaceutical company, never imagined that it would be such a result for them to enter the state market for the first time and merge with Takada, an internationally renowned virologist.
Vaccine production efficiency
Anti-viral drugs are effective
Even the imitation of medicinal liquor is effective!
Rambo Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. is the largest pharmaceutical company in Curry State, with annual sales reaching tens of billions. They are ambitious to enter the state market, but they did not expect to encounter this kind of waterloo.
"It must be your formula effect! You have to compensate Rambo Pharmaceutical Company for the loss! "
"There must be something wrong with your production process! My formula is perfect! You have to take responsibility! "
The quarrel in it gradually stopped, and both of them realized that it was not the time to quarrel. The important thing was to stop the loss quickly!

"Yin Senpi, are you still carsick?"

Knowing the language situation, Yin Senpi blushed as soon as he heard it. "I passed the appraisal of’ consistency in words and deeds’ and won’t fall or lose my hand after choosing’ balance’."
Chen Yi startled other knights also gave a snicker.
Balance is quite powerful. If you can keep balance at last, you can not only take advantage of fighting and dance gymnastics, but also support your family.
But from the magical point of view, it’s not a big deal even if people will never get there.
It’s easy for Yin Senpi to feel the waves.
"Match words with deeds" is a super belief, and few people can pass this evaluation in the choice of knights.
"All right" Chen Yi finally encouraged the sentence.
He then waved to the crowd and said, "Don’t be discouraged. We will hold other ceremonies later, about three months to six months later. In this period, everyone is willing to go home and stay."
No, everyone stayed.
Chen Yi recruited four magical knights again and asked their opinions, "Can I ask you to stay and work for a few years?"
Before signing the contract, they had to arrange it from Chen Yi, but Chen Yi’s inquiry still made the knight who had just advanced to Shenshu feel the due respect.
Yin Senpi said "good" without hesitation, and the other three people didn’t hesitate too much.
The Yinsen family can stand out from the crowd with Yinsen Lie alone. They are the knights of the family. They originally wanted to be expensive
Chen Yi encouraged and smiled, but his heart was flushed with the pleasure of capitalist exploitation.
The so-called career winners exploit others, and losers are exploited by others. Life is like a group of gay people who enjoy themselves in a circle. When you are proud that you are poking others, you must be poked by others. The only way to break this strange circle is to turn from a bend to a straight one.
On the way back, Chen Yi was still sitting in a tattered jeep, and the bus smelled of vomiting after severe fermentation, while Yin Senpi was running.
He "kept his oath" and chose "to move freely", and his running speed was not weaker than that of a car without being affected by the terrain.
Divine power can not only be used in magic, but also has more explosive power and endurance than quarrelling, and its endurance is good, so it can surpass the fighting knight in terms of combat power
Lieutenant Colonel blankly sent a group of people to the plane and then said goodbye … Yiyi mainly said goodbye to him, mainly to the knights.
The military transport plane jolted and shook the journey back to Jiangning
Yinsenpi, like an old monk seated, stood still in the center of the transport plane, regardless of the change of airflow.
And then … he threw up!
Chen Yi responded indifferently to the handkerchief wetted by the potion, then tore the silk handkerchief into strips and distributed it to the knights nearby, and taught them how to block their noses. At the same time, he strengthened his "gap" force and tried his best to block all kinds of strange smells outside.
The unique amount of vomit smell of the magical knight is enough!
This is a four-hour unique experience.
Chapter four hundred and fifty You Jiangning
Jiangning’s prosperity completely shocked the knights from the western continent.
The same traffic, the same high-rise buildings in Guangsha, the same crowded people, the same colored clothes, the same smooth roads, the same food, the same men and women falling in love, the same puppy love, the same brain-dead groups, the same mobs and evil officials … Before the ceremony, the knights seemed to be preoccupied with magical skills, but after the ceremony, these differences became the focus of discussion among the knights.
Yin Sensheng made a solemn speech in front of the largest abundant building in the street, saying, "I guess this building was built by a special stone mountain refining method to remove impurities, calcining its skeleton and then flattening it."
Yinsen Hengma, the knight of the same magical skill, retorted, "Isn’t that easy to throw down?"
"Digging hundreds of feet and stuffing half of the stone mountain into it can be regarded as An Ruo Rock."
Chen Yi was amused by the conversation between the two knights. He interrupted the tour guide Hunting Jiu and introduced, "How about we go inside the building?"
"Good" this time, there are five or six people.
Cavaliers in the western continent generally like big and solemn things, cars and appliances can be regarded as gadgets in their eyes, but spacious and flat airports and buildings hundreds of meters high can arouse their interest
The top floor of Fengpei Building is a viewing platform for the outside world. Chen Yi rushed into the hall with a group of people, took out a stack of gold bonds and handed them to the window before the receptionist called the police and asked, "Do you want 33 tickets?"
Jiangning people now know that the gold bond conductor hesitated and took out a piece of his own bond from the drawer. After comparing it, he thought it was a fake and I changed it.
With this idea, she cheerfully promised to "accept your 5 yuan".
Yin Sensheng stared at the iron fence at the ticket window and asked, "Is the iron stopped here?"
Hunting nine replied, "It’s to guard against theft. There are many metal objects here, and many iron castings."
He was the first person who came to the earth to carry materials and hunt villages, learned simple Chinese and knew more about China than Tanzanians.
Yin Sensheng didn’t believe it. "This piece of iron can prevent children. Besides, will we be greedy for this untouchable property?"


The waiter respectfully sang "Please ask Zong Mian for an audience"
A moment later
Outside the hall, they saw two people walking side by side towards the temple.
One of them, dressed in luxurious robes, dragged the floor for a long time, but his face was even uglier, and he was suspicious of the Pope with an air of dignity that could not be concealed.
And the other person …
"Why him?"
"How did he get mixed up with the Pope?"
"Is this an alternative collusion?"
"Ho … rather in collusion"
Everyone can’t help but talk about it in succession, but there is no kindness in the words.
Obviously, the Pope’s previous efforts have finally completely ruined the popularity of the church road.
And another person’s words are impressively the Lord.
Before the words of the Lord, I used to be a great master, but unfortunately, I framed the "Limit" OL, which exposed my short-sightedness and scheming …
Although he finally got over it, it was not hidden from the eye.
In that past two year, if anyone has set up the most thorough collapse,
These two old guys are undoubtedly in the first and second place, but now they are together.
The Pope’s face remained the same, and he did not move at all because the malice around him was in his own face.
Salute Alice from the beginning
"Crown ceremony confers a seat"
A moment later, when the Pope sits down,
Alice just said, "Crown I intend to continue Crown’s original feat and vigorously promote quarrelling in Galilee. This time, the scope is very wide, and I intend to cover the church, but the Pope has rejected it in such a way that it benefits the country and the people. Now the officials in the DPRK don’t understand it, and I don’t even think about the problematic quarrelling skills before Crown. How can Pope Crown reject it instead? Specially please crown to explain the people’s hearts. "
The Pope’s smell speech looks the same.
Smiling, "I don’t know that I wanted to raise quarrelling before because it helped me to raise the country in Galia. Although I taught people not to be contaminated with worldly customs, I also wanted to carry forward quarrelling because I had a better choice."
Eric asked sarcastically, "Is it a new practice again?"
"Not bad"
"Take a rest. The church can’t stand the toss."
"If you can do it again and again, you will be laughed at for being stupid."
Although they didn’t laugh
But after the Pope said this, there was a mocking smell in his air.
The pope’s angry look flashed through his eyes and he said coldly, "If I’m not completely sure, how can I act rashly?" No one knows more about quarrelling than I do. Similarly, since I think the new practice is superior to quarrelling, it can be seen that the new practice is necessarily better than quarrelling and more worthy of promotion. At present, the credibility of the church is very problematic, and I can also implement it in the church for the time being until the results are made. "
"I remember that Pope Mian said the same thing when promoting quarrelling before. No one knows quarrelling better than you."
An official named Bart looked out at the Pope and said, "But the result seems to be very unsatisfactory. Even though I was injured at first, I kept it for more than a year before I was fully recovered … thanks to the Pope’s crown, I was behind others for a whole year!"
"I also remember that Pope Mian said the same thing when he promoted the animal control law before. No one knows animal control better than you."
Another blond official, Larbert, joined the ranks and said, "I still can’t forget my son’s pitiful appearance of being torn to pieces in a dangerous hoof whining … and shouldn’t you be responsible for all this?"
The Pope said, "The church has tried its best to make up for the mistakes it made. Do you dare to say that you have not received compensation from the church? People are dead, and we can try our best to make up for it. Even if the church’s ability is as good as God, it can’t let the dead live. "
Eric said, "We can’t revive the dead, but we can stop the increase of the dead. If the church continues to put all its eggs in one basket, I’m afraid Galia will add more dead souls."
"This time, the risk is borne by the church. If I am not sure that there is nothing wrong with the new body, how can I take it out of the body?"
The Pope said, "It’s been several months since the new body was launched, but I haven’t revealed anything during this time. I’m worried that people will stop believing in the new body because of the bad name of the church …"
"Is it because this new body has matured now that the crown has taken the initiative to open its mouth?"
"It is never ripe to say that what we can do is to try and find out all the defects and loopholes in this method again and again."
Pope Gao said, "Now, after several experiments, there are 3,000 people in the church practicing new body at the same time, and there is a problem with one person. In case we find everyone in the different arts, the Lord asks him to practice and experience the problems himself. I don’t think anyone will doubt the Lord’s power in the different arts."
He was confident and smiled faintly. "And it turned out that there was no problem. That’s why I asked the Lord to come with me."
The Lord slowly stepped out.
Raise your hand slowly
Around the several candlesticks slowly floating up.
"This is my ability to subdue things. After the seventh step, my physical characteristics have changed a lot, which is more diverse and changeable. I can control the enemy’s blood and heartbeat and kill the enemy in the form, but the facts are always the same. My ability is still to subdue things, even if I break through to the seventh step, I will still subdue things."
The Lord said lightly, "But after practicing new alienation, my ability no longer exists in imperial objects."
Say it.
Around the flame suddenly burned up.
One of the candlesticks has been burned out.