Category: 桑拿夜网

Even the true ancestor, who once brought great crisis to the world sea, is no match, which makes Lu Chen feel stupid.

Because Liu Chen’s original secret blood true ancestor and mother have already represented the world’s sea power limit, but the ceiling. I didn’t expect there to be such a fierce man in history. The ancient ancestors of Chaos were powerful, so people should be proud, but he had never seen the strong man in HarmonyOS. […]

"Shicheng Ben Lei Axe Zhou Jia?"

"Exactly" Zhou Jia nodded. "Sure enough" Li Guxin is clear. He naturally heard about the younger generation who are expected to silver in recent years, but he didn’t expect the first breakthrough to come from the outer door Zhou Jia. "You are talented enough to become silver, and that’s no exception." Wanted to think, he […]

Xu retreated slightly. "Can you feel it?"

"I can’t feel when I lose meat? You smell like two grandsons of mine, one of which was made in batches in early years … Huh? " Suddenly ling ding tone became nervous "this is … do you have a tricolor diamond moment? Or touched a trichromatic rhombus? " Xu retreated in astonishment, but his […]


The waiter respectfully sang "Please ask Zong Mian for an audience" A moment later Outside the hall, they saw two people walking side by side towards the temple. One of them, dressed in luxurious robes, dragged the floor for a long time, but his face was even uglier, and he was suspicious of the Pope […]

"My brother Hao, his basketball player, and Han Rong, that bitch, are so hateful that I have to see her every day," Mann said with a face of harshness.

Is he a basketball player with your brother Hao? Good reality … "Let’s think about it … let’s talk about 88 days later." Zine said and turned back to class. "Let’s just go back after school at 88 and supervise your brother Hao," Ling joked. "Of course it’s 88." Mann is very proud. Banzine communicated […]

"Zhou Qing Di, what are you yelling about? Don’t. You’re trapped in heaven. Now you’re still in my hand. I won’t believe your story."

Hearing Zhou Qing Di say this, Ah Da is really nervous. Zhou Qing Di is fierce. He knows that when Zhou Qing Di gets out of trouble, he will definitely be afraid of being killed. But he can’t consider so much now. He must first ensure his life to escape. Besides, it is better to […]

"innate realm?" Teng Qingshan was stunned.

As it is said, the innate strong can be born in the era when the aura of heaven and earth is abundant. "what!" Teng Qinghu stared at the small piece of star-shaped steel with a piece of paper. "Does a catty of star-shaped steel require a catty of gold?" Tengqingshan also looked at the price […]